
Anyone knows the correct answer??

Accepted Solution

Answer:The surface area of the composite figure = 1172.08 inches²Step-by-step explanation:* Lets explain the figure- There is a cylinder with diameter 8 inches and height 9 inches- Rectangular prism with dimensions 16 , 11 , 11 inches- The surface area of the cylinder will be the curved area and the   top base- The surface area of the prism will be the surface area of one base ,  four side faces and top face which is the remaining from the subtraction  of the rectangular base and the circular base* Lets solve the problem# The surface area of the cylinder∵ The diameter of the base of the cylinder is 8 inches∵ The diameter = twice the radius∴ 8 = 2r ⇒ divide both sides by 2∴ r = 4 inches∵ The area of the circle = πr²∴ The area of the base = π(4)² = 16π inches²∵ π = 3.14∴ The area of the base = 16(3.14) = 50.24 inches²∵ The area of the curved surface = 2πrh∵ r = 4 inches and h = 9 inches∴ The area of the curved surface = 2(3.14)(4)(9) = 226.08 inches²∴ The surface area of the cylinder = 226.08 + 50.24 = 276.32 inches²# The surface area of the rectangular prism∵ The dimensions of its base are 16 and 11 inches∵ The area of the rectangle = length × width∴ The area of the lower base = 16 × 11 = 176 inches²∵ The area of the top face = area of the rectangle - area of the circle∵ The area of the rectangle = 176 inches²∵ The area of the circle = 50.24∴ The area of the top face = 176 - 50.24 = 125.76 inches²- There are two side faces with dimensions 16 and 11 inches∴ The area of the two faces = 2 × 16 × 11 = 352 inches²- There are two faces with dimensions 11 and 11 inches∴ The area of the two faces = 2 × 11 × 11 = 242 inches²∵ The surface area of the rectangular prism is the sum of the 6 faces∴ The surface area of the prism = 176 + 125.76 + 352 + 242∴ The surface area of the prism = 895.76 inches²- The surface area of the composite figure is the sum of the surface   area of the cylinder and the surface area of the prism∵ The surface area of the cylinder = 276.32 inches²∵ The surface area of the prism = 895.76 inches²∴ The surface area of the composite figure = 276.32 + 895.76∴ The surface area of the composite figure = 1172.08 inches²